Facebook has 1.8 billion monthly users. 70% of consumers hear about a business for the first time on Facebook.
This makes Facebook a super opportunity if you want to build a huge customer base fast.
What makes it even better is that Facebook advertising is relatively cheap. And if you know how, the social media platform lets you target customers with pinpoint accuracy.
Over the years I’ve seen a lot of money spent advertising on Facebook that has not got results. The main reason is lack of strategy and understanding about how it works.
Through trial and error over the years, I’ve learnt how to make the most of Facebook and now I use it to my advantage.
I want to share my learnings with you so I’ve designed my Facebook Booster course to help you understand the platform better.
It doesn’t matter what your industry is, how big your company is or what products you sell. Everyone’s income stream needs a boost.
My Facebook Booster course will help you reach your business goals. It’ll give your business the revenue boost it needs.
In a nutshell, you’ll learn to master Facebook advertising and understand advertising on this powerful social network back to front.
When you’ve finished my course you’ll be able to create ad campaigns, target the right customers, create irresistible Facebook ads AND funnel new customers back into your business.
Below is a quick summary of each module of this course.
Module 1 - Your Brand
Define your brand, styling guide and messaging. Use surveys to work out what motivates your customers to buy from you.
Module 2 - Your Facebook Ad
Learn how to write compelling, persuasive Facebook ad copy and create seductive and highly clickable ad images.
Module 3 - Using Power Editor
Define your goals, learn how to set up low cost, high return ads and how to track your return on investment - in real time.
Module 4 - Your Audience
Define your ideal customers with avatars. Target your ideal customers on Facebook with pinpoint precision.
Module 5 - Creating High Converting Email Collector Forms
Create landing pages that drive customers to the desired call to action, build your email list and retain prospective customers.
Module 6 - The Art of the Follow Up
Develop an email nurturing sequence to develop customer relationships further to entice immediate action. Automate your email campaign.
Module 7 - Understanding Reporting
Set goals for your marketing campaigns and track your return on investment in real time.
If you own a business...
This course will help you reach your business goals by giving you everything you need to find more customers giving you the revenue boost you need.
All of your Facebook advertising training is online.
As long as you have the internet you can do my course from a desktop, laptop or mobile device anytime, anywhere. At your own pace.
Every course module includes lessons in which you’ll get:
- Easy-to-follow video lessons
- Assignment sheets
- Workbooks and templates
- Resource listings
Depending on which package you choose (Ignition or Blast Off) you’ll get access to group coaching calls and my exclusive Facebook Booster group.